State Retired List

The State Retired List is a component of the Massachusetts Organized Militia.  Members shall be eligible to perform any military duty to the same extent as if not retired, and the commander-in-chief may require them to serve upon military boards, courts of inquiry and courts martial, or to perform any other duty.  State Retired List personnel shall also attend annual musters or similar events as determined by The Adjutant General and may augment the Massachusetts State Defense Force during natural or other disasters, civil disturbances, and related emergencies.

Any member of the Armed Forces of the Commonwealth (Army National Guard, Air National Guard, and State Defense Force) may qualify for State Retired List membership by satisfying either one of the following two standards:

• Five or more years of service as a commissioned or warrant officer and service in time of war in the Armed Forces of the United States, provided that all such service was honorably characterized
• Fifteen years total service as a commissioned or warrant officer, provided that all such service was honorably characterized

Appointments to the State Retired List will be in any federally recognized grade satisfactorily held while a member of the Armed Forces of the Commonwealth.  Personnel may subsequently request placement on the State Retired List one grade higher than the highest federally recognized grade held while a member of the Armed Forces of the Commonwealth as outlined in TAGMA Pam 600-8-7.  Approval of such requests will be in exceptional cases and based on a career of meritorious service to the Commonwealth.

Eligible persons desiring placement on the State Retired List should submit the following:

• Completed Application for Enrollment (AGO Form 11)
• Civilian Résumé
• NGB Form 22 or DD Form 214

These documents should be mailed to:

Director, Militia Affairs

91 Everett St
Concord, MA 01742-3624

Once all application materials are received and qualifying, honorable service is verified, applicants will be contacted to arrange for executing the Oath of Office.  Those requesting placement on the State Retired List one grade higher (see TAGMA Pam 600-8-7, Paragraph 4-3b and 4-3c for eligibility requirements and application procedures) may submit the necessary packet at any time following completion of the oath.

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